Architecture, J. A., Inc. is a design focused firm, seeing each project’s program as an opportunity to tailor a building development to the needs of the client while being responsible to the environment, resilient through time, and esthetically dynamic. The firm offers comprehensive services including architectural design, site design, interior design, master planning, value engineering, and environmental design. Founded by Daniel H. Johnston, A.I.A. in 1991, the firm’s commitment to research and implementation of emerging technologies, innovative building systems, and improved or newly developed materials has led to completed projects of exemplary performance. The diverse portfolio of building types included in the firms work includes, single family homes, commercial (including wineries, yacht clubs, and corporate offices), hospitality (including restaurants, event planning, and public recreation), industrial installations, and environmental consulting.
Buildings are one of the most permanent creations of our societies. As such, their style and function, translated through time by their durability, define cultures and establish the context for future historical reference. They are not static, rather are constantly in a state of change, both functionally and physically. The sources of change are many and often relentless. We believe a building must embrace cultural responsibility, it must adapt to changing demands, which can be integrated into the initial design approach. Appropriately chosen materials and details can promote longevity, facilitate reuse, and create a flexible framework for the structure to assure its lasting presence. Spaces designed with flexibility to adapt to user needs can better serve the user, resulting in greater productivity.
Buildings are primary consumers of natural resources and energy. Architecture, J. A., Inc has practiced environmental responsibility since our founding, long before green design gained the recognition it has today. The principles of green design continue to guide our work. We promote the need to balance the ideals of resource conservation, energy efficiency, and pollution prevention with the realities of performance, cost, and constructability.
We understand that the architect’s role is that of a visionary and team leader. Successful architecture occurs when a vision is matured through collaboration and constructed with the same focus. The architect, owner, and project consultants, through mutual participation in the design process, can perfect a vision specific to the program and a construction team that has also participated can follow the line of thinking in jobsite decision making.
Efficiencies in the administering that vision concept are achieved through consistent leadership, allowing for adaptations, within the established parameters, as it progresses through the processes of entitlement procurement, discretionary review, design, permitting, and construction. Increasing regulation in the design and construction fields requires design input and adoption at the very early phases of the development process, and appropriate integration into designs. Our clients avoid the inefficiencies and contradictions that arise when a project is handed off from one professional to another.
Information exchange is key to achieving successful architecture. The services an architect offers are really no more than the ongoing process of exchange. This process, along with the exchange of ideas with our pool of talented professional consultants, allow us to provide great architecture to our clients.
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